Earthquake preparations
All schools take part in a minimum of one earthquake drill per year, according to Jay Yule, School District 47 superintendent of schools. Yule spoke about earthquake emergency procedures in schools in light of the disaster in Japan, at a recent Powell River Board of Education meeting. Yule explained that if an earthquake were to occur, after the shaking stopped students would be taken to a muster point where they would be taken care of by the emergency preparedness plan for the community. For this reason emergency supplies are not kept in schools beyond first aid kits and other mandatory emergency items.
Preschool vulnerability
An application for a StrongStart BC Centre at Grief Point Elementary School has been submitted. The program would help to address issues of vulnerability among preschool children. Early Development Instrument scores rated vulnerability for the neighbourhood at 33.3 per cent for 2009 to 2010. The centre would be a place for young children in the neighbourhood to attend for early learning opportunities. Rita John, district early learning coordinator, and Grief Point Principal Jamie Burt are driving the initiative.
HVAC upgrades
The board passed a capital project bylaw motion to approve the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning upgrades at Kelly Creek Community School project. Funding of $225,000 has been granted for the project and the district is one of five in the province to receive infrastructure funding through the provincial government but outside of the ministry of education. The design is still in the works and a tender will be issued for the work. The upgrade is to consolidate heating and ventilation systems in the school in order to increase energy efficiency.