Logo ordeal
After months of deliberation and dissension, a majority of Powell River Regional District directors approved a new logo at a recent meeting of the board. Directors Stan Gisborne, Area B, Dave Murphy, Texada Island, and Chris McNaughton, City of Powell River, voted in opposition to the motion.
Oyster harvesting
Directors passed a motion to advise the ministry of agriculture that plans to authorize a commercial harvest of 40 tonnes of oysters from within Myrtle Rocks park is contrary to the southern region official community plan, which states that land designated parks and recreation may be used for recreation use only. The motion also states some local constituents object to commercial operations taking place within a park and previous regional board endorsement of commercial harvests was based, in part, on the fact that the site was contaminated and closed to public shellfish harvesting.
Waste management
Directors voted to award a contract to BHC Consulting to deliver a waste management public education program from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2013, with costs for the 2011 program not to exceed $58,384.
Directors passed a motion to support in principle the efforts of a local group to implement sustainability initiatives and to contribute $2,000 from the general grants-in-aid account to organize and host a community forum.
Shuttle bus
Directors approved allocating up to $1,000 from the 2011 paratransit service budget for shuttle bus service to the Lund Shellfish Festival and to request the City of Powell River contribute 50 per cent of the cost.
Financial assistance
Directors passed a motion to make the following contributions: $1,000 to Powell River Community Foundation to produce Vital Signs, with equal allocations from Electoral Areas A, B, C and D; $5,000 to the Salvation Army for a community van, with funding coming from the general grants-in-aid account; $2,000 to the Powell River Blues Festival, with $500 each from Areas A, D and E and $250 each from Areas B and C; and $1,800 to the Lund Community Society toward completion of the Mile 0 project, with funding coming from Area A grants-in-aid.