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Amended waterworks bylaw passed by City of Powell River Council

Water rates will rise four per cent each year in 2025, 2026 and 2027
Powell River City Hall.

City of Powell River Council has passed its amended waterworks regulations and rates bylaw.

At the March 6 city council meeting, councillors unanimously passed the bylaw, which will raise water rates four per cent each year in 2025, 2026 and 2027.

For a single-family dwelling, the annual rate in 2025 will be $374, in 2026 it will be $389 and in 2027, the rate will be $405. According to chief financial officer Mallory Denniston, increasing the water user fees would result in an increase in revenue of approximately $120,000 annually. This increase partially funds the operating cost increases and the transfer to the water capital reserve fund.

Council gave first three readings to the bylaw on February 27.

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