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Townsite painting event a success

First plein-air was enjoyable for both painters and onlookers

The Historic Townsite en Plein Air took place Sunday, September 9, with more than a dozen seasoned and novice painters placing themselves, with easel and brush, in various locations around the Townsite neighbourhood in qathet.

The day was a success for painters and onlookers alike, who spent the day either painting outdoor landscapes and buildings,  or quietly observing artists at work.

Local painter Janet Southcott said, “the day was lovely,” and that she spent most of her time parked with her brushes, easel and paint outside Dwight Hall. Southcott was joined by fellow colleague Joyce Furness and others, who are members of Artique collective art gallery on Alberni Street.

This was the first plein-air (painting outside) event hosted by Townsite Heritage Society

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