As we near the end of the first semester in late January, the tension begins to rise. Students become extremely stressed as it is the cutoff for assignments, and exams will soon take place.
Yet, even under all that pressure, students have the holidays to look forward to. Christmas break is a chance to take a breath from all the work on our plates and spend time with our family and friends.
The closer we come to the break, the less serious school becomes. Some classrooms are filled with Christmas carols, there are holiday decorations around the school, and students and teachers are just altogether more cheerful and excited.
Along with all the décor and Christmas spirit, our environment is more lighthearted. There are concerts, songs to sing, teachers are more easygoing and we have chances to participate in a few holiday activities.
When the holidays finally roll around, we have much to look forward to.
Winter break is a perfect time to turn off our brains and relax after a stressful few months of school. We may take this time off to catch up on our hobbies, as well as our sleep schedule. We will finally be able to a have a few days to sleep in and obtain that much-needed rest.
With all the assignments we are given toward the end of the semester, we tend to stress and spend late nights and early mornings doing homework. We quickly become over-exhausted, some of us coming to school with great big rings around our eyes, or hardly able to keep our heads up in class.
Time to ourselves is very important. Focusing on our passions and hobbies can nourish our minds in a way school cannot.
Having the time to do what makes us happy can put us in a state of calm that overcomes all the stresses of schoolwork.
We should take every day during winter break to distance ourselves from the strain of school and prepare for the upcoming semester. The break gives us a chance to recharge and go back out there with motivation.
Along with a chance to catch up on hobbies and sleep, we also have time to enjoy with family, presents and, for those who have them, our beloved pets.
Students without schoolwork to be done over the break have a chance to take their minds off of school and spend time with loved ones.
For those who do not celebrate the holidays, the break is still time off to focus on themselves.
I would like to wish everyone happy holidays and encourage them to enjoy the free time to do as they please and recharge for the upcoming semester.
Macy How is a grade 10 student at Brooks Secondary School.