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Senior Citizens Association Branch 49 to host seniors day event

Celebration will be held at Cranberry Seniors Centre on September 28
OPEN HOUSE: Senior Citizens Association Branch 49 will be hosting an open house on September 28 and Cranberry Seniors Centre will be undergoing an upgrade so it can be recognized as an emergency cooling centre in Powell River when a new heat pump is installed.

Cranberry Seniors Centre has been working to upgrade its facility to be recognized as an emergency cooling centre.

According to Don Allen, vice-president of Senior Citizens Association Branch 49/Cranberry Seniors Centre, even though the centre could not meet that goal this past summer, it is now moving forward by adding a heat pump to the large hall.

“Though our facility is referenced as being a seniors centre, we are open to the entire community,” said Allen. “Extreme heat affects everyone, but it does have a harsher effect on seniors and the very young. Heat has been reported as being the major cause of death in relation to weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, et cetera.”

Allen said there will be an open house in the centre at 6792 Cranberry Street in Powell River on September 28 from 1 to 4 pm.

“People are encouraged to visit anytime, however, this event is an opportunity for us to welcome others and to see firsthand what a lovely space we have to share,” said Allen. “We will have entertainment, demonstrations and information booths. We also plan to have hot dogs, popcorn, cake and coffee.

“Our event is also a celebration, as October 1 is National Seniors Day, and this year, a special focus will be on seniors and climate action. We will be having our raffle draw, for an electric Shoprider mobility scooter, at 1 pm, to open our event. Having a raffle is one of the things we do to help us raise money for us to maintain and upgrade our facilities.”

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