The most heaping pile of roses to the kind, energetic, fiery and devoted employee of the store I frequent. Your customer service is beyond exceptional and much appreciated every time I visit.
A boatload of roses to the captain who discovered my broken-down cart in the ditch and left it repaired and ready to go. You are a beacon of kindness.
A shopping cart full of beautiful roses to the young gentleman, who was behind me at the grocery story and offered to pay for the groceries when my debit card acted up. Thank you!
A bouquet of roses to each of the two gentlemen who came to my rescue, helped me to my feet and took me back to the car after I fell down the cement stairs in front of a local pharmacy. Thank you.
Raspberries for the person who took the wicker chair off the loading dock between 1 and 4 pm on May 18 behind a flower shop at Crossroads Village Shopping Centre.
A wheelbarrow full of roses to the couple who took it upon themselves to clean up garbage around the airport, to the other couple who cleaned up at the viewpoint and to the man who regularly walks around town picking up litter. Thank you for your willingness to step up and make a noticeable difference. Imagine what could be accomplished if more people like you would be willing to take a stand and start cleaning up our city. Count me in.
A storefront full of roses to the local flower shop employee for calling me back when my other plans fell through. I left an after-hours message and she still took my order and delivered flowers to my mom for her birthday at the end of a very long day. This is one more reason why I’m proud to call Powell River home. Thanks for helping me make my mom’s day special.
A car full of roses to the driver on Marine Avenue who stopped to help when my friend fell off wooden steps and into blackberry bushes. I waved to traffic for help and one of the first drivers came to assist, even though he had a broken hand. Two others also helped keep my friend from sliding further until firefighters arrived. Thank you to all for the immediate assistance. I would not have been able to get her out alone.