DISTURBING INCIDENTS: Last summer, three people were shooting and killing birds at three different locations: Fernwood Avenue and Kemano Street, Barnet Street and Cook Avenue, and Maple Avenue and Elm Street. Six dead birds: one crow, three pigeons and two doves.
Another disturbing incident occurred when eight children were getting off the school bus at Manson and Dale avenues in Cranberry. One of the boys heard the hiss of a pellet and then a dove fell off the powerline bleeding profusely.
Powell River Orphaned Wildlife Society (PROWLS) was called and took the dove to Westview Veterinary Hospital. A pellet had entered through the chest, smashing two bones as it passed through the body. This dove recovered at PROWLS.
In the same area a pigeon was also shot in flight. This bird was alive but the X-ray showed a severed spine and euthanasia was necessary.
At Mowat Bay a group of children witnessed a man in a boat attempting to beat a young gosling to death. It was only a few days old. When PROWLS president Merrilee Prior arrived, a young girl was holding it in her arms after wrapping it in her hoodie, but there was no chance of survival.
It is illegal to discharge pellet guns within the city. Anyone who witnesses these events in the future should call BC Conservation at 877.952.7277 or the RCMP.
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