An annual gathering at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Townsite to reflect on and recognize members of the armed forces who served their country will have a scaled down presence in 2020.
The Remembrance Day ceremony at the cenotaph in Townsite will be held on Wednesday, November 11, but the traditional service inside Dwight Hall and parade on streets surrounding the park have been cancelled due to COVID-19.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 164 is asking the public not to congregate in the park, or on the streets surrounding it, in order to view the ceremony.
“The service at the cenotaph is guests by invitation only and we have a list of confirmed attendees which will be checked as they come into the cenotaph area,” said Legion poppy committee secretary/treasurer Karen Crashley. “What concerns us is that the public will want to stand on the sidewalk on Walnut Street or outside the barriers so they are a part of this gathering.”
The 2020 ceremony will be unlike years past, where people were encouraged to participate. This year, organizers are asking residents to stay away and recognize veterans and those who made the ultimate sacrifice at home with their family members.
“Just because you’re not able to be at the ceremony doesn’t mean you can’t recognize veterans and those who sacrificed for our freedom,” said Crashley. “People can keep everyone safe by having their own moment of silence on Remembrance Day, at home.”
While commemorating the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and recognizing all the sacrifices made by soldiers and veterans, the ceremony will follow BC health guidelines by including a minimal number of veterans, including one from World War II, and allowing for social distancing.
“The only ones who are going to be there to participate will be the invited guests, which will include some of our local veterans and a few other Legion members,” said Crashley. “The biggest issue is to try to get the public to stay away from the cenotaph and surrounding area between 9 am and 12 noon.”
A limited number of wreaths will be placed at the cenotaph prior to the service.
“We laid 47 wreaths last year; this year we are only doing eight,” said Crashley. “We’re not allowing anyone to go lay them; we will do that before the ceremony.”
A special block will be available for people to deposit a poppy, after the ceremony, as a remembrance of those who have served their country and community.
“Anybody can drop by after the barriers are gone and pay their respects,” said Crashley, who has been working on a safety plan to send to Vancouver Coastal Health.
“We need to make sure they can trace back if necessary, and we have to keep our list of attendees for 30 days,” she added. “The thing with having more people at a gathering than allowed is we could be fined $10,000, if we allow people to stand up in the street and all over the place, because there are no names, no phone numbers for contact tracing.”
People who want to recognize Remembrance Day at home, with a program similar to the one taking place at the cenotaph, can sing "O Canada" at 11 am, search for versions of the "Last Post" and "The Rouse" to play afterward, take two minutes of silence, then sing "God Save the Queen."