2020 is a difficult year to reflect on as we continue to weather the COVID-19 storm together.
Our school communities have risen to the challenge and have demonstrated strength and resilience, supporting each other with compassion. Students, staff and parents have found innovative ways to work together to meet the varying needs of our students. This year our whole community watched a revised approach to recognizing our graduating class safely during the pandemic, setting the tone for finding innovative ways to honour the success of our students.
Coming together, celebrating and ringing in the new year will also look and feel different this year. We’re proud of our students and staff as they continue to enrich our community with their spirit, love and positivity. Students and staff worked hard to bring you some winter cheer. We welcome you to visit the district website: sd47.bc.ca to enjoy the beautiful collaboration: Winter Wonderland project and each of the 2020 elementary school winter performances.
On behalf of your board of education: Russell Brewer, Aaron Reid, Doug Skinner and Jackie Timothy, I want to thank staff for persevering with us through all the changes and new procedures to ensure our students are safe and learning. Thank you to parents for working in tandem to support success for our students and special thanks to our students for sacrificing a lot of the things they would like to be doing in order to do their part to make sure their friends, parents and grandparents are safe.
We’re looking forward to continuing our work on the key themes identified in our strategic plan: learner success, engagement and connections, and organizational sustainability.
There is much to be optimistic about as we welcome 2021. Have a safe, healthy and restful new year.