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New years baby first for couple

Honour surprises family
Chris Bolster

Powell River’s new year baby, George, was born Saturday, January 4, to parents Hang and Pierre Mathieu.

George arrived at 3:47 pm at Powell River General Hospital with a birth weight of six pounds nine ounces and a delightfully full head of dark hair.

Baby George is named after Pierre’s grandfather. It took a long time to decide upon the name. “We talked and talked,” said Pierre. Finally, on Monday morning, Pierre and Hang said his name twice and George nodded and they knew that it would stick.

George is Hang and Pierre’s first child. Hang had already shared pictures from the hospital, but was eager to return home on Monday, January 6, so that she could phone her parents in Vietnam.

“I’m very happy,” said Hang. “This is my prince.”

George’s proud parents were not expecting the added honour of having Powell River’s first child of the year and were surprised. They learned of their baby’s special status from the delivery room nurse after he was born.

Powell River businesses on this page generously provided a warm welcome to the new baby and his family.