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Kicking the Clutter: It’s time for back to school organizing

Kids tend to accumulate things they might not need

Before you select the store to get your children ready for back to school, go through their clothes, books and toys. Kids tend to accumulate things they might not need. Be aware that they might have difficulty deciding about parting with their stuff.

Closet organizing
Children grow up fast. Some might even shoot up a couple of inches throughout the summer. Save some of the outgrown clothes for the younger kids, but be careful not to save everything.

Store the outgrown clothes away until needed. Label the items and size.

Ask your child to help you with sorting their stuff. Encourage them to try on the clothes they decide to keep. It will teach them the skill of organizing, preparing them for a future of independence.

Once you sort everything, ask your child to write a list of clothes, shoes or accessories they need to replace. Be ready to negotiate the purchases and the stores where to go shopping.

School supplies
Be careful here. The big stores have many attractive, expensive items your child might not need. Stick with basics and what is required. Take the supplies list to the chosen store.

First day outfit
Once the back-to-school shopping is completed, ask your child to choose an outfit for the first school day. Help the younger kids coordinate their outfits, respecting their choice of style and colour. Remember, they are influenced by recent fashion trends or their friends.

The first week of school can be a time of adjustment for kids and parents, so, the more you plan, the easier adjustment will become for everybody.

Functional entrance
Children are messy by nature. On the other hand, they thrive on structure. Consider creating a designated space at your home’s entrance for backpacks, clothes, shoes and sports equipment.

If you don’t have enough floor space, go vertical. Mount a few attractive and affordable hooks for their backpacks and jackets. Above the hooks, you can install floating shelving for their hats, mittens or other small items.

Command centre
Before school activities start, install a wall calendar to keep everyone in your family on the same page. This will help track everyone’s schedule and activities.

Ask the kids to choose the colour for their schedules. This will make it easier to see what they have going on that day.

Homework central
It doesn’t matter what kind of schooling you decide to do, it’s important to have space for school/homework. Explore the possibilities of a small space, where they can have a desk, chair and a couple of shelves attached to the wall.

For younger kids, it can be a kitchen table where you can help them with their homework. They need to establish a proper set-up where they can start with good habits, working on their homework and goals. Planting these simple strategies into action will save you time and frustration.

Have a happy and successful school year.

Transformational life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter. For more information, email [email protected] or call 604.578.8954.

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