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Kicking the Clutter: Embrace a growth mindset to achieve success

Self awareness and purposeful decisions make it easier to take action

Is your way of thinking keeping you stuck? Do you have a desire to change your life, but also have plenty of excuses for avoiding the change?

This is a real struggle for the many people who find themselves sabotaging their success and the chance to a better life.

Please read and give some thoughts on one of my quotes: “Life of scarcity is a condition of wanting more but settling for less.”

Are you aware of what the reason might be for your struggles?

Think about this for a minute. Maybe you chose to define yourself as a survivor or victim and get stuck on those labels. I have done that in the past.

Having a fear of failure, I avoided making any decisions about my life. The life struggle continued for years until I realized that success is achievable.

Changing my way of thinking was difficult but not impossible. I connected with people who already had some success and were willing to mentor me. 

Delaying success for whatever reason could be related to a lack of confidence, or depression, grief or stress. 

Studies show that 45 per cent of people reported a fear of failure, while 35 per cent said they feel depressed and overwhelmed. Being unappreciated at home or work is also a big contributor to failure.

Embrace a growth mindset

Avoiding your chance for success could be related to your thinking patterns. When we have a fixed view of success, we believe talent or wealth is needed to succeed.

People with a growth mindset have developed a more calming outlook on their failure, treating it as a part of life. At the same time, they celebrate even the smallest achievements.

Let me remind all of us that success results from hard work and the ability to become a lifelong learner.  

Make purposeful life decisions

Another way people tend to decrease their success is by relying on support from family and friends to help them. In many cases, family and friends might not have the right skills to help you. Hire a professional to guide you and give you different perspectives and new ideas.

Some people undermine their success by avoiding interaction with others. Reach out and build relationships intentionally, even when anxious or uncertain. Building a strong network is a reliable way to succeed and maintain more happiness in your work and life.

Become accountable for your life. If you fail, reflect on how you will do things differently next time. Own your mistakes and commit to doing better in the future. 

Take action

Procrastination is a typical way you can undermine your success, so set things in motion and complete projects. Even small steps can keep you moving forward in positive ways.

Transformational life coach Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter. For more information, email [email protected] or call, 604.578.8954. 

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