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Kicking the Clutter: Clear clutter, bring clarity

Once you remove the clutter obstacle and achieve control over your home, you will see tremendous and positive changes in other aspects of your life. ~ Ranka Burzan

Saying goodbye to “clutter” can be empowering and liberating. This small, yet powerful word can take control over your home and your life.

Declare today that you will start with a determination to have a clutter-free home. An organized home will positively affect the other areas of your life. This is a perfect time to evaluate your home and its function. 

If you have a ton of clothes, dishes, tools, toys, books and paper, your home could be described as storage. How comfortable and relaxed are you surrounded with things you don’t need or like? Do you feel embarrassed when a relative or friend shows up unexpectedly?

Clutter is growing at an alarming rate, making our lives hectic and complicated. We are working harder than ever, our kids have all the latest gizmos, and yet they are deprived of our attention and healthy home.

Shocking statistics

• Clutter is costly. 15 to 25 per cent of your annual budget is wasted buying misplaced items. 

• 80 per cent of the clutter in your home is a result of disorganization, not lack of space

• We only use 20 per cent of our belongings, 80 per cent of the time.

Use my 3Ds method and say goodbye to clutter:

Do it. Start decluttering one room for 30 minutes. Take a five-minute break.                                   

Delegate. You can hire a professional to teach you this valuable skill. 

Ditch it. Let go of junk and recycle first. Then choose a category to declutter.

Clutter creates stress, lack of energy and lack of clarity in life. We medicate ourselves to lessen the stress, ignoring the real issue in our homes. 

If you have a lot of stuff on every horizontal surface, you have to question the safety of your home. Have you noticed an increased amount of dust mites, mice, hidden mould, germs or other unwelcome critters buried in the clutter? If you are sneezing often, have headaches, lack energy and have difficulty breathing, check out the condition of your home?

One of the biggest benefits of having a clutter-free home is experiencing the joy, pride and peaceful feelings your home brings you. Without the clutter, you will find calmness and peace. You will be more focused on things that matter to you. The relationship with your family will improve; no more arguments over clutter. 

Without the clutter, you’ll finally have tons of space for your possessions, making your home spacious and functional. If you haven’t been able to cook in your kitchen because the counters were taken up by clutter, you will now be able to do so.

Once you remove the clutter obstacle and achieve control over your home, you will see tremendous and positive changes in other aspects of your life. When you become proud of your home and your accomplishments, you will inspire many of your family and friends. You’ll have time to plan a party, feeling proud of your beautiful home.

Purposeful planning leads to productivity and progress.

Ranka Burzan owns a professional organizing company based in the qathet region and has written several books on reducing clutter and becoming more organized. For information, go to