The photo above and article below were published in the Powell River News on February 12, 1970.
International students to visit Powell River
UNESCO Associated Schools project at Max Cameron Secondary School is sponsoring “International 70” from February 18 to 22. This year the UNESCO organization has invited 30 students from the University of British Columbia’s International House to spend the mid-term break with Max Cameron students and their families. The guests represent countries such as India, Singapore, Yugoslavia, Kenya, Czechoslovakia and others.
Visitors will arrive Wednesday evening and join community and school functions for the next three days. A field trip to the MacMillan Bloedel logging operation near Lois Lake has been arranged as well as a tour of the paper mill. A luncheon will be provided by the company. Some of the guests will also tour Texada Mines.
The school plans a welcoming assembly plus a discussion with the guests for all Max Cameron students for February 20. These small group seminars should provide the opportunity for an exchange of ideas on world problems and culture.
Friday after school the Student’s Council is having its international ’69. Friday evening the senior foods class under Mrs. Devine will serve a buffet dinner of many international dishes. Saturday the visitors will have free time with host families. Members of the Rotary Club and Lions Club will provide boating trips for some of the visitors Saturday afternoon.
Powell River Rotary Club has for many years organized this function for UBC International House guests. It has provided guidance and financing for this year’s event. Lions Club is also providing support, as is MacMillan Bloedel.
Chairman for International 70 is Ann McEvoy, vice chairman is Judy Johnston, Lorna Riome is secretary and Sandra Lupul is treasurer. Other committee heads and members are: Carol Missio, Judy Jones, Maureen English, Bonnie Goodvin, Moira Taylor, Rick Hibberd, Marc Patrick, Lorrie Price, Susan Blackhall, Sharon McCloskey, Lorrie Jolin, Janet Blackhall, Ron Irving, Chuck Young, Ronda Glendinning, Irene Bogoslowski, JoJanne McKnight, Ken Kreitz, Jacqueline Murray, Darcy Rinald, Bev Smith, Mike Hamerton, Judy Stinsen, Barry Woods and Donna Parsons.