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$1.1M fine meted out in Richmond court for crab sales

MPY Trading pleaded guilty to two of six charges laid last year.
Richmond Provincial Court 2
The company, MPY Trading, is no longer in operation.

A crab company was handed a fine of $1.1 million in Richmond Provincial Court last week.

MPY Trading pleaded guilty of improper documentation and selling crab in a “misleading way.”

The company, that exported crab, was charged by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in 2023 on six counts.

Four counts were stayed.

In the end, the count of selling food in a “misleading way” resulted in a fine of $1,105,685, and the count of failing to keep documents "concerning the traceability of the crabs" resulted in a fine of $50,000. The offences occurred between December 2019 and January 2020 in Richmond and Vancouver.

MPY Trading must pay the fines by Feb. 10, 2025.

According to MPY Trading, the fines were given out because the company was exporting crabs from the U.S. via Canada.

MPY Trading is no longer operating.

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