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Sunshine Coast weather: Cloudy skies to finish off February

Weatherhood says a 31 per cent chance of rain today in Sechelt , with winds at 8 kilometres per hour or less. 
Mostly cloudy today, with a mix of sun and cloud tomorrow in the forecasts for Sechelt.

As the second month of 2025 draws to a close, slight warmer than normal temperatures are forecast for Sechelt by Environment Canada.  Overnight temperatures were as warm as 12 degrees, above the "average" for the area, which is cited as 9 degrees. 

Clouds kept the area warm overnight, and those clouds are expected to stay in the skies over the Sunshine Coast throughout the day.  Clearing to a mix of sun and cloud is the outlook for tomorrow.  It is back to rain for Saturday, with sun is said to be in store for Sunday.

Weatherhood says the chance of rain today in Sechelt is 31 per cent with winds remaining at 8 kilometres per hour or less.  It is calling for daytime highs to continue in the double digits and for the overnights hours, lows to stay at 5 degree or warmer through Saturday.

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Editor's note: This story is updated daily with current weather forecasts and conditions.