Caution signs have been placed at either end of Willingdon Beach Trail as a group of volunteers attend to maintenance work. A team from Powell River Forestry Heritage Society is working Wednesday, March 30, and Thursday, March 31.
“Right now we’ve got some drainage issues we’re trying to deal with,” said Dave Hodgins, one of about eight people who have donated their time.
Cleaning and brushing of the popular trail was complete before the group started the digging and ditching for runoff.
“We’re putting in about four culverts, relocating three and bringing in topping to dress up the trail where we can,” said Hodgins.
The signs have been placed at both ends of the trail between Willingdon Beach Campsite and Haul Road near Townsite to alert people about the work going on.
The society is putting $3,000 into the trail. After spring maintenance is completed, the group will return in the fall for more upgrading.
The popular trail has been taken care of by volunteers since the early 1980s. In the 1900s, the trail was a railway running from the mill to a log dump at Willingdon Beach. When the railway was abandoned it then became a road, and eventually the trail.
“We’ve had very good cooperation from the public; fantastic cooperation," said Hodgins, "the only complaint we had was from one person who said we were scaring away the squirrels."